Our people

Board of Directors


Educational Research Advisory Panel

The Educational Research Advisory Panel members provide assistance to MCERA staff on educational issues. The Advisory Panel is comprised of eminent educational researchers who are appointed by the Board of Directors.

Current members of the Advisory Panel are:

Professor Neil Selwyn
Monash University

Professor Alex Kostogriz
Monash University

Professor Catherine Attard
Western Sydney University

Professor Kathryn Holmes
Western Sydney University

Professor Simon Leonard
University of South Australia

Associate Professor Negin Mirriahi
University of South Australia

Professor Shane Pill
Flinders University

Professor Robyn Young
Flinders University

Professor Leon Benade
Edith Cowan University

Associate Professor Lorraine Hammond AM
Edith Cowan University

Professor Kim Beswick
UNSW Sydney

Professor Jeff Brooks
Curtin University

Associate Professor Jane Hunter
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Professor Amy Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles
Southern Cross University

Associate Professor Amy MacDonald
Charles Sturt University

Vacant Position
University of Newcastle

Professor Susan Danby
Secretary, NSW Council of Deans of Education

Professor Chris Boyle
Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE)


Professor Andrea Reupert
Monash University

Professor Ruth Jeanes
Monash University

Associate Professor Katina Zammit
Western Sydney University

Professor Susanne Gannon
Western Sydney University

Professor Sam Sellar
University of South Australia

Associate Professor Jamie Sisson
University of South Australia

Professor Gretchen Geng
Flinders University

Associate Professor Daniel King
Flinders University

Professor Lennie Barblett AM
Edith Cowan Univerist

Vacant Position
Edith Cowan University

Associate Professor Rebecca Collie
UNSW Sydney

Professor Karen Murcia
Curtin University

Associate Professor Matthew Kearney
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Professor Matt Bower
Macquarie University

Professor Julianne Moss
Deakin University

Associate Professor Maryanne Theobald
ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child

Professor Sue Gregory
NSW Council of Deans of Education