our work

Since its inception in 2017, MCERA has been working closely and effectively with researchers from across Australia to ensure accurate and informed reporting of educational issues through the media. We have consistently achieved a cumulative annual reach in excess of 13 million people.

We offer a range of services to journalists, media officers and researchers, all aimed at bringing leading education research to a wider audience, whether its insights relate to early childhood, schools, university or vocational education.

“Working with MCERA has been a great experience. This partnership helped to ensure that the integrity of my core findings were safeguarded and not skewed by external journalistic flair. This was greatly appreciated.”

Expert from Macquarie University

Media Releases

MCERA prepares and distributes media releases on newly published education research from around the world, with a particular focus on Australian research.

You can find an example of a MCERA release that attained worldwide coverage here: ‘Bookish homes enhance literacy, numeracy, and digital skills‘.

Expert Comments and Rapid Responses

When an education-related issue hits the news, MCERA rapidly locates key experts on the topic, elicits responses and distributes their comments to journalists, who may choose to use the quotes directly in
their stories, as background reading, or as impetus to contact the experts directly.

You can find an example of such comments here: ‘COVID-19, school closures, and the consequences for education‘.

Expert Referrals

MCERA has a detailed database of education experts, extensive networks, and an Education Research Advisory Panel advising us on the most suitable researchers to comment on a given issue. As such, we are well-positioned to assist journalists to find appropriate experts for their stories. Since MCERA’s commencement, this has become an increasingly important aspect of our work, due to a rise in inbound requests from journalists.
You can learn further details here

Media Briefings and Q&As

There are education issues that appear in the mainstream media which are complex and difficult for journalists to report on. MCERA media briefings provide journalists with up-to-date information on complex issues so they can separate fact from opinion and go back to fundamental research when needed.
Our Back to School 2022 webinar can be viewed online

Media support for education academics

MCERA supports education academics to work more effectively with the media. In particular, MCERA provides one-on-one coaching to support researchers to communicate effectively with the media, and training to groups of researchers. This can range from pointers on how to communicate effectively on different mediums, to drilling on the messaging for a particular interview, to group workshops on media strategy.

The level of such support is tiered based on whether researchers are affiliated with MCERA sponsors, and the level of this sponsorship.

Researchers based at Platinum Sponsors are eligible to receive extensive media coaching, tailored workshops on media engagement, and assistance in conceptualising, composing, and pitching op eds.

Informed Sources

Informed Sources is a subscriptipon service providing school leaders, educators, parents, researchers and policymakers short, accessible articles on the latest education research. These articles give researchers affiliated with sponsors a chance to get their work directly to educators at the coalface.